On 21st October 2017, the sixtieth anniversary of Studio Farina Redaelli took place in the halls of the Medical Surgical Society at the Archiginnasio of Bologna. These halls had seen doctors from all over the world meet periodically to exchange information or simply confront each other. Celebrating such an important milestone in these halls rich in history was quite intimidating, yet emblematic. Even more so now, with the feedback from the clients, which continue to return to us for advice and for the new ones that arrive. Far from wanting to make a blasphemous comparison between doctors and patients, but taking clients by the hand has always been the attitude of Studio Farina Redaelli from the very beginning. Two friends, in the 1950s, both avant-garde for trusting each other, confronted and accompanied each other in their professions. Their children are still there. Along with many others.
Via Santo Stefano 11, 40125 - Bologna (BO)
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